Jonathan Fryer

Writer, Lecturer, Broadcaster and Liberal Democrat Politician

Will the LibDems Overtake Labour?

Posted by jonathanfryer on Saturday, 14th February, 2009

The ComRes poll in tomorrow’s Independent on Sunday will spark alarm in Downing Street: Conservatives 41 (down 2 since 26th Jan), Labour 25 (down 3), LibDems 22 (up 6). This is the narrowest gap between Labour and the LibDems since 2003 and the figures confirm that the recent Populus poll, also giving the LibDems 22, was not a statistical blip. It had puzzled many people why the LibDems were not doing better when confidence in Labour (and especially in the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown) collapsed, not least because Conservative Shadow Chancellor George Osborne does not exactly look ready to assume the challenge restore the nation’s fortunes. In contrast, Vince Cable increasingly does. And by total fluke, Vince is due to reassume the role of Acting Leader of the LibDems again in a matter of days, as Nick Clegg nobly welcomes the anticipated new addition to his family by taking paternity leave, thereby pushing Vince further into the limelight. I’m not a betting man, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we see the LibDems leapfrogging Labour in the polls in the near future.


2 Responses to “Will the LibDems Overtake Labour?”

  1. UK Voter said

    I completely agree. We are in interesting times, the Conservative party do not look like they are a party in touch with the people or ready to lead, whereas, the people of this country want and need a change from the Labour party. The only think that surprises me is that the LibDems did not poll better, earlier. Hopefully it will make Cameron sit up and take notice, that even though Labour will undoubtedly lose the next election, he cannot take victory for granted. That, in my opinion, would be no bad thing. As for Vince Cable, he is one of the few people that talk sense in relation to the economy. Incidentally, I am not a LibDem supporter

  2. Bob said

    I don’t think centre parties should read too much into one opinion poll.

    A more likely scenario is for the Lib Dems to lose votes at the next election but maybe move forward in a handful of target seats.

    Don’t start preparing for government just yet.

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