Jonathan Fryer

Writer, Lecturer, Broadcaster and Liberal Democrat Politician

Bush Tarnishes the Entire Western World

Posted by jonathanfryer on Friday, 15th February, 2008

American Presidents like to think of themselves as the Leader of the Western World, an image reinforced by many of my colleagues in the media. However, since the invasion of Iraq, George W Bush’s reputation has been in free-fall. Even most Americans now think negatively about him. But all this just seems to wash over him. Every time he appears on the TV, he is so smug, self-satisfied and self-righteous. But he is leading the United States into moral bankruptcy.

His latest performance, in which he defended not only Guantanamo Bay (where suspects have been held for years without charge) but also the torture method known as water-boarding, was a disgrace to his so-called Christian values, as well as a perversion of what Western civilization stands for. The man should be made an international pariah during his last months in office, not least by British politicians. He tarnishes us all. No wonder most of the rest of the world hates him.

2 Responses to “Bush Tarnishes the Entire Western World”

  1. Jonathan – our President has to make difficult decisions – I can see that living on a small island like England things seem easier for you. The whole world respects Georgw W Bush for his conservative values and his willingness to stand up to terrorists like Saddam Hussein who destroyed the world trade center. I think liberals like you should get the real facts at my own site, ShelleyTheRepublian.


  2. jonathanfryer said

    Thanks for sharing your views, Jimmy, but for the record, Saddam Hussein had absolutely nothing to do with the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. This is just one of the many lies and misrepresentations propagated in America to justify certain spects of George W Bush’s ‘War on Terror’. I respectively suggest you travel more, if you want to know what people abroad think of Bush. The whole world does NOT respect Bush for his conservative values. While neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama is likely to be perfect, the vast majority of Europeans and other non-Americans are praying for a Democratic victory this November.


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