Jonathan Fryer

Writer, Lecturer, Broadcaster and Liberal Democrat Politician

Posts Tagged ‘London Assemblly’

Dee Doocey on the London Assembly

Posted by jonathanfryer on Wednesday, 1st June, 2011

Most Londoners have no idea what the London Assembly actually does, even though next year electors in Greater London will be able to vote for its members for the fourth time (alongside the far more high-profile contest for Mayor). One hopes that political activists in the capital, at least, know that basically the Assembly scrutinises the Mayor (currently Boris Johnson). As former Assembly Chair and current Chair of the body’s Economy, Culture and Sport Committee, Dee Doocey, told Kensington and Chelsea Liberal Democrats at their Food for Thought event in Kensington this evening, even if the Assembly has no real power, it has a great deal of influence. Dee herself has spent a lot of the past seven years dealing with policing issues (as she sits on the Metropolitan Police Authority), as well as keeping a sharp eye on the preparations for the London Olympics 2012. There are currently just three LibDem members of the Assembly, all elected on the top-up city-wide list. But Caroline Pidgeon — who is the only one standing again — will be hoping to bring in some bright new talent with her next May. Dee herself was appointed to the House of Lords in the last intake. And she’s quickly found herself dealing with policing issues there as well.


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