Jonathan Fryer

Writer, Lecturer, Broadcaster and Liberal Democrat Politician

Nick Clegg Launches LibDem Euro-manifesto

Posted by jonathanfryer on Tuesday, 12th May, 2009

Nick Clegg European manifesto launch 2009Nick Clegg launched the party’s European manifesto at the Foreign Press Association in Westminster this morning, highlighting the central theme that we are stronger — and safer — together in Europe, but poorer apart. Though few members of the general public read party political manifestos, this is a document the LibDems can be proud of, not just for its slick presentation but more importantly for its content. True to the commitment made by the leadership many months ago, the manifesto really is about European issues, unlike its counterparts in previous European elections.

The main sections are: creating prosperity and jobs; putting Europe’s house in order; tackling crime, protecting liberty; a green Europe; stronger in the world; and working for you: Liberal Democrat MEPs. The last point was reinforced by short presentations by the leader of the British LibDems in the European Parliament, Andrew Duff, and London’s current LibDem MEP, Sarah Ludford. There was considerable interest from continental journalists regarding the party’s ambition to get the British electorate more engaged in European matters — indeed, to really see themselves as Europeans. During question time, a couple of BBC journalists showed a depressing but predictable interest in MPs’ expenses, rather than the European manifesto — but the BBC website, to its credit, posted a good piece, with a clip of Nick speaking:


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