Jonathan Fryer

Writer, Lecturer, Broadcaster and Liberal Democrat Politician

Pancakes and Politics

Posted by jonathanfryer on Tuesday, 5th February, 2008

Being both a Quaker and unmarried, I tend to miss out on family-oriented occasions connected with religious festivals, so it was particularly enjoyable to join Battersea and Tooting LibDems this evening for their annual Shrove Tuesday pancake event. I’d forgotten just how delicious a thin English pancake can be, straight from the pan, accompanied by maple syrup and lemon juice. I’ve certainly never had them served with red wine before, but it’s a tasty combination.

Being a LibDem event, however, Shas Sheehan, the GLA candidate for Merton and Wandsworth, and I were both keen to find out from local activists what they will be doing during the two-and-a-bit year rolling campaign through this May’s GLA/London Mayoral elections, the Euro-elections in June next year, and the London locals in 2010. Wandsworth is one of those zero councillor boroughs where we have come so close in one particular ward (as in Hammersmith and Fulham, and Kensington and Chelsea), and the party really needs to make a breakthrough in 2010. That’s particularly important in Wandsworth, where the ruling Tories simply ignore the LibDems when it comes to consultations on locally important issues, on the grounds that we don’t have any councillors.


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